The Dwemer don't really get enough time dedicated to them in Skyrim, despite being the most enigmatic race to ever grace Nirn. It's fantastic, a surreal mystery about an underground town maintained by an automated system of Dwemer technology - one that's uncomfortably focused on the inhabitants' ethics.

The Forgotten City is so good that it got enhanced into its own standalone game on multiple platforms, but you can still get it for Skyrim. As the harbinger of an ancient prophecy (minus any special powers), you have to bring peace back to Falskaar - but nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Considering it's the size of a DLC and that it landed its creator a job at Bungie, the fact that it's on this list shouldn't be that surprising. Those of you who have finished Skyrim should head immediately to Falskaar. Your download of a Game Mod is subject to our Terms of Service, including Section 2.D.Elder Scrolls 6: release date, trailer, news, and everything else we know Mods are "Game Mods" as described in our Terms of Service. If you elect to download and use mods, you do so at your own risk. Note: User experience may vary when playing with mods. To do so, select Load Order from the Mods menu and set the order.